Tuesday, February 7, 2017


jenifur passed, was let go, died this past Friday.

That morning, I had been listening to the pod cast recordings of Section 43 of Whitman's Song of Myself on the University of Iowa's  International Writing Program's Whitmanweb.

Some lines of that poem struck me that morning and stayed with me all day, before and after jen and I said bye.

"Be at peace bloody flukes of doubters and sullen mopers,
I take my place among you as much as among any,
The past is the push of you, me, all, precisely the same,
And what is yet untried and afterward is for you, me, all, precisely the same.
I do not know what is untried and afterward,
But I know it will in its turn prove sufficient, and cannot fail.
Each who passes is consider'd, each who stops is consider'd, not a single one can it fail."
I miss you jenifur. I hope it was sufficient. I hope it is sufficient. I hope sufficient is sufficient.

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